Dictionary 1. ( a.) Pertaining to, or exhibiting the phenomena of, diamagnetism; taking, or being of a nature to take, a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force. See Paramagnetic. 2. (n.) Any substance, as bismuth, glass, phosphorous, etc., which in a field of magnetic force is differently affected from the ordinary magnetic bodies, as iron; that is, which tends to take a position at right angles to the lines of magnetic force, and is repelled by either pole of the magnet.
Thesaurus absorbing adductive alluring appealing arresting attracting attractive attrahent authoritative beguiling bewitching captivating charismatic charming consequential consuming diamagnetic dragging drawing effective effectual efficacious electromagnetic enchanting engaging engrossing enthralling entrancing estimable fascinating ferromagnetic gripping holding hypnotic important influential inviting irresistible magnetized mesmeric mesmerizing momentous obsessing obsessive personable persuasive polar potent powerful prestigious pulling reputable seductive spellbinding strong suasive substantial sympathetic telling tugging weighty winning winsome |