◄ Diagram ►

1. (n.) A figure or drawing made to illustrate a statement, or facilitate a demonstration; a plan.

2. (n.) Any simple drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes, or to assist a verbal explanation which refers to it; a mechanical drawing, as distinguished from an artistic one.

3. (v. t.) To put into the form of a diagram.

alphabet art black and white blueprint brouillon cartoon catalog catalogue raisonne catch a likeness chalk character charactering characterization characterize charcoal charcoal drawing chart chiaroscuro choreography color conventional representation copy crayon crosshatch dance notation dash off daub delineate delineation demonstration depict depiction depictment design doodle draft drama draw drawing ebauche elevation esquisse exemplification figuration figure graph ground plan hatch hieroglyphic hit off house plan ichnography iconography ideogram illustration imagery imaging lay off lay out letter limn limning line drawing logogram logograph map map out mark off mark out musical notation notate notation outline paint paint a picture pastel pattern pen-and-ink pencil pencil drawing pictogram picture picturization picturize plan plot plot out portraiture portray portrayal prefigurement presentment print printing profile projection realization register render rendering rendition represent representation rough rough copy rough draft rough outline rub schema schematize scheme score scratch script scumble set out shade silhouette silver-print drawing sinopia skeleton sketch sketch out stencil study syllabary symbol symbolize tablature table table of contents take a rubbing tint trace trace out trace over tracing vignette working drawing write writing


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