◄ Desperate ►

1. (a.) With little hope; on a last resort\.

2. (a.) Beyond hope; causing despair; extremely perilous; irretrievable; past cure, or, at least, extremely dangerous; as, a desperate disease; desperate fortune.

3. (a.) Proceeding from, or suggested by, despair; without regard to danger or safety; reckless; furious; as, a desperate effort.

4. (a.) Extreme, in a bad sense; outrageous; -- used to mark the extreme predominance of a bad quality.

5. (n.) One desperate or hopeless.

Dionysiac accident-prone aching for acute affording no hope amok apathetic atrocious bacchic baffled balked berserk bleak breakneck careless cheerless climacteric comfortless compelling concentrated corybantic craving critical crucial crying dangerous desirous of despairing despondent desponding devil-may-care dire disconsolate dismal exquisite fierce foiled foolhardy forlorn frantic frenetic frenzied frustrated furious grave great grim hard pressed hard up harum-scarum hasty hazardous headlong heinous hopeless hotheaded hurried impetuous in despair in desperate straits in extremis in extremities like one possessed mad madding maenadic maniac maniacal monstrous overeager overenthusiastic overzealous panic-stricken perilous pinched precarious precipitant precipitate precipitous pressing rabid raging ranting rash raving raving mad reckless running wild scandalous serious shocking slap-bang slapdash sorely pressed stark-raving mad straitened tenuous terrible thwarted uncontrollable unhopeful up against it urgent vehement venturesome vicious violent wanton wild without hope wretched


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