Dictionary (adv.) With careful consideration, or deliberation; circumspectly; warily; not hastily or rashly; slowly; as, a purpose deliberately formed.Thesaurus advisedly by design calculatedly calculatingly cautiously circumspectly consciously contemplatedly crawlingly creepingly designedly dilatorily easily falteringly gently haltingly idly in cold blood in low gear in march time in slow motion in slow tempo indolently intentionally knowingly lackadaisically languidly languorously leisurely limpingly lingeringly loiteringly meditatedly moderately on purpose pointedly pokily pokingly premeditatedly purposefully purposely purposively relaxedly reluctantly resolutely slow slowly sluggishly tardily tarryingly tentatively under easy sail unhurriedly voluntarily willfully with agonizing slowness with deliberation with full intent with intent with malice aforethought with purpose wittingly |