Dictionary 1. (n.) Broken and detached fragments, taken collectively; especially, fragments detached from a rock or mountain, and piled up at the base.2. (n.) Rubbish, especially such as results from the destruction of anything; remains; ruins. Thesaurus afterglow afterimage alluvion alluvium balance breccia butt butt end candle ends chaff clamjamfry deposit detritus diluvium dregs drift dross dust end fag end filings fossil garbage grain granule granulet gravel grit holdover husks junk leavings leftovers litter loess lumber moraine odds and ends offal offscourings orts parings raff rags refuse relics remainder remains remnant residue residuum rest riffraff roach rubbish rubble ruins rump sand sawdust scourings scrap scraps scree sediment shadow shavings shingle shoddy silt sinter straw stubble stump survival sweepings trace trash truck vestige waste |