◄ Daughters ►

(n.) Plural of Daughter.

accomplishment accord activity administer affair afford airing allot allow announce answer appear argue arise artifact ascertainment at issue attend award back number bail out bandying basis be born be off become become manifest become of become public become visible bench mark bestow bestow on bestrew birth bone of contention book brainchild break break cover break forth break out break through breakout breed bring out broadcast broadcasting brood bruiting bruiting about burden burst forth buzz about by-product campaign cardinal point case catechism cause chapter chief thing child children circulate circulation circumfuse clearing up climax coinage collection come come about come after come forth come forward come in sight come of come out come to be come to hand come to light commitment communicate composition concern conclusion concoction confer consequence consequent consummation contend controversy copy core cornerstone corollary course cracking creation creature crisis critical point crop out crop up cross-interrogatory cross-question crowning achievement crusade crux culmination daughters deal deal out debating point debouch debouchment decipherment declaration of policy declare decoding deliver deliverance delivery demand demonetize denouement derivation derivative descendants descent determination devaluate devalue develop development diffract diffuse diffusion disagree disburse discharge disembogue disentanglement dish out dispense disperse displace display dispose dispread dispute disseminate dissemination distillate distillation distribute distribution diverge dole dole out donate drive ebb edition effect efflux effuse egress emanate emanation emerge emergence emersion emission emit end end product end result engrave ensue enter erupt escape escapism essence essential essential matter evasion event eventuality eventuate eventuation evulgation exit explanation extend extract extrication extrude extrusion fade in faith fall out family fan out fare feeler fight find vent finding finding-out flight float flood flotation flow flow back flow in flow out flush fly about focus of attention focus of interest folks follow follow after follow up fork out freeing fruit fundamental get get about get abroad get afloat get around get exposure get off get out get to be getaway gift gift with gist give give forth give freely give off give out go about go after go forth


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