Dictionary 1. ( v. i.) To make a low, hoarse noise in the throat, as a frog, a raven, or a crow; hence, to make any hoarse, dismal sound. 2. (v. i.) To complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually. 3. (v. t.) To utter in a low, hoarse voice; to announce by croaking; to forebode; as, to croak disaster. 4. (n.) The coarse, harsh sound uttered by a frog or a raven, or a like sound.
Thesaurus air a grievance aphonia apprehend artificial voice beef belch bellyache bitch blare blast blat blot out bode bray broken speech broken tones broken voice bump off burr buy it buzz cackle call carol cash in caw chatter check in check out cheep childish treble chirk chirp chirr chirrup chitter choked voice chuck clack clamor clang clangor clank clash cluck cock-a-doodle-doo complain conk coo crab cracked voice craunch cronk crow crump crunch cuckoo die do in drawl drop off drum dysarthria dyslalia dyslogia dysphasia dysphonia dysphrasia erase expire falsetto fix forebode forewarn fret fret and fume fuss gabble gaggle get give the business go west gobble grind gripe groan grouch grouse growl grumble grunt guggle gun down harshness have a premonition have a presentiment have it hawking voice hiss hit hoarseness holler honk hoo hoot howl ice idioglossia idiolalia impairment of speech jangle jar kick kick in kick off kick the bucket knock off lay out lisp lisping lodge a complaint look black loss of voice lower menace mince murmur mutter muzzy speech nasal tone nasalization off pass pass away pass out peep peg out pip pipe pipe off polish off pop off portend preapprehend quack quarrel quaver raise a howl rasp register a complaint roll rub out scold scranch scrape scratch scrunch settle shake shove off sibilation sing snarl snore speech defect speech impediment squawk step off take care of take on talk incoherently threaten tremor trill twang tweet twit twitter warble warn waste whistle wipe out yap yelp zap |