◄ Counterpoint ►

1. (n.) An opposite point

2. (n.) The setting of note against note in harmony; the adding of one or more parts to a given canto fermo or melody

3. (n.) The art of polyphony, or composite melody, i. e., melody not single, but moving attended by one or more related melodies.

4. (n.) Music in parts; part writing; harmony; polyphonic music. See Polyphony.

5. (n.) A coverlet; a cover for a bed, often stitched or broken into squares; a counterpane. See 1st Counterpane.

Alexandrine Ambrosian chant accent accentuation amphibrach amphimacer anacrusis anapest antipode antipodes antipole antispast antithesis antonym arsis bacchius beat cadence caesura catalexis chloriamb chloriambus colon contra contrapunto converse counter counterbalance countercheck counterpoise counterpole counterterm cretic dactyl dactylic hexameter diaeresis dimeter dipody dochmiac elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter emphasis epitrite false music faux-bourdon feminine caesura foil foot heptameter heptapody heroic couplet hexameter hexapody iamb iambic iambic pentameter ictus inverse ionic jingle lilt masculine caesura measure meter metrical accent metrical foot metrical group metrical unit metron molossus mora movement musica ficta numbers obverse offset opposite opposite number paeon pentameter pentapody period polyphonism polyphony proceleusmatic pyrrhic quantity reverse rhythm setoff spondee sprung rhythm stress swing syzygy tetrameter tetrapody tetraseme the contrary the other side thesis tribrach trimeter tripody triseme trochee vis-a-vis


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