◄ Coulomb ►

(n.) The standard unit of quantity in electrical measurements. It is the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by the current produced by an electro-motive force of one volt acting in a circuit having a resistance of one ohm, or the quantity transferred by one ampere in one second. Formerly called weber.

abampere abcoulomb abfarad abhenry abohm abvolt ampere ampere-foot ampere-hour ampere-minute atomerg calorie coulomb dinamode dyne energid erg farad foot-pound henry horsepower-hour horsepower-year joule kilogram-meter kilovolt-ampere kilowatt megacoulomb megavolt megawatt megohm mho microhenry micromho micromicrofarad microvolt microwatt milliampere millihenry millivolt ohm ohm-mile photon picofarad quantum statampere statcoulomb statfarad statvolt volt volt-coulomb volt-second watt watt-hour


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