1. (
n.) A common metal of a reddish color, both ductile and malleable, and very tenacious. It is one of the best conductors of heat and electricity. Symbol Cu. Atomic weight 63.3. It is one of the most useful metals in itself, and also in its alloys, brass and bronze.
2. (n.) A coin made of copper; a penny, cent, or other minor coin of copper.
3. (n.) A vessel, especially a large boiler, made of copper.
4. (n.) the boilers in the galley for cooking; as, a ship's coppers.
5. (v. t.) To cover or coat with copper; to sheathe with sheets of copper; as, to copper a ship.
C C-note Dogberry G G-note John Law Titian adust auburn aureate bar bay bay-colored bayard bluecoat bobby brass brassy brazen bronze bronze-colored bronzed bronzy brownish-red buck bull bullion cartwheel castaneous cent century chestnut chestnut-brown coin gold coin silver cop copper-colored coppery cupreous cuprous dick dime dollar dollar bill ferrous ferruginous fifty cents fin fish five cents five hundred dollars five-dollar bill five-hundred-dollar bill five-spot fiver flatfoot flattie four bits foxy frogskin fuzz gendarme gilt gold gold nugget gold-filled gold-plated golden grand gumshoe half G half a C half dollar half grand heat henna hundred-dollar bill ingot iron iron man ironlike lead leaden liver-brown liver-colored livid-brown mahogany man mercurial mercurous mill nickel nickelic nickeline nugget officer peeler penny pewter pewtery pig precious metals quarter quicksilver red cent reddish-brown roan rubiginous rufous russet russety rust rust-colored rusty sawbuck shamus silver silver dollar silver-plated silvery skin smacker steel steely sunburned ten cents ten-spot tenner terra-cotta the cops the fuzz the law thousand dollars thousand-dollar bill tin tinny twenty-dollar bill twenty-five cents two bits two-dollar bill two-spot yard yellow stuff