◄ Conjurer ►

1. (n.) One who conjures; one who calls, entreats, or charges in a solemn manner.

2. (n.) One who practices magic arts; one who pretends to act by the aid super natural power; also, one who performs feats of legerdemain or sleight of hand.

3. (n.) One who conjectures shrewdly or judges wisely; a man of sagacity.

Comus Faust artist artiste belly dancer burlesque queen chorine chorus boy chorus girl coryphee dancer dancing girl diabolist diviner dowser ecdysiast enchanter entertainer escamoteur exotic dancer female impersonator geisha geisha girl guisard guiser hoofer illusionist impersonator juggler mage magian magician magus miracle-worker mountebank mummer musician nautch girl necromancer peeler performer prestidigitator public entertainer show girl singer sleight-of-hand performer sorcerer stripper stripteaser stripteuse thaumaturge thaumaturgist theurgist tricker trickster vaudevillian vaudevillist voodooist warlock water witch wizard


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