1. (n.) A solid of the form described by the revolution of a right-angled triangle about one of the sides adjacent to the right angle; -- called also a right cone. More generally, any solid having a vertical point and bounded by a surface which is described by a straight line always passing through that vertical point; a solid having a circle for its base and tapering to a point or vertex.

2. (n.) Anything shaped more or less like a mathematical cone; as, a volcanic cone, a collection of scoriae around the crater of a volcano, usually heaped up in a conical form.

3. (n.) The fruit or strobile of the Coniferae, as of the pine, fir, cedar, and cypress. It is composed of woody scales, each one of which has one or two seeds at its base.

4. (n.) A shell of the genus Conus, having a conical form.

5. (v. t.) To render cone-shaped; to bevel like the circular segment of a cone; as, to cone the tires of car wheels.

acoustical network ament capacitor speaker capitulum catkin coaxial speaker complex cone conelet conoid cop cornet corymb crossover network cyme diaphragm dynamic speaker earphone electrodynamic speaker electromagnetic speaker electrostatic speaker excited-field speaker full-fidelity speaker funnel head headphone headset high-fidelity speaker high-frequency speaker horn ice-cream cone loudspeaker low-frequency speaker midrange speaker monorange speaker moving-coil speaker panicle permanent magnet speaker pine cone raceme spadix speaker speaker system speaker unit spike spikelet strobile thyrse triaxial speaker tweeter umbel verticillaster voice coil woofer


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