1. (n.) A state of profound insensibility from which it is difficult or impossible to rouse a person. See Carus.

2. (n.) The envelope of a comet; a nebulous covering, which surrounds the nucleus or body of a comet.

3. (n.) A tuft or bunch, -- as the assemblage of branches forming the head of a tree; or a cluster of bracts when empty and terminating the inflorescence of a plant; or a tuft of long hairs on certain seeds.

KO blackout catalepsy catatonia catatony dullness encephalitis lethargica faint grayout hebetude high kayo knockout languor lassitude lethargy lipothymia lipothymy narcohypnosis narcolepsy narcoma narcosis narcotic stupor narcotization nirvana nirvana principle nod nothingness oblivion obliviousness sedation semiconsciousness senselessness shock sleep sleeping sickness slumber sopor stupor swoon syncope thanatosis torpidity torpor trance unconsciousness


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