1. (n.) That part of the large intestines which extends from the caecum to the rectum. [See Illust of Digestion.]

2. (n.) A point or character, formed thus [:], used to separate parts of a sentence that are complete in themselves and nearly independent, often taking the place of a conjunction.

Alexandrine Deutschmark Mark Reichsmark abdomen accent accentuation afghani amphibrach amphimacer anacrusis anapest anna antispast anus appendix arsis bacchius baht beat blind gut boundary bowels brain cadence caesura catalexis cecum cent centavo centime chloriamb chloriambus comma conto counterpoint cretic dactyl dactylic hexameter diaeresis dimeter dipody dochmiac dollar dong duodenum elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter emphasis endocardium entrails epitrite feminine caesura florin foot foregut franc giblets gizzard guilder gulden guts heart heptameter heptapody heroic couplet hexameter hexapody hindgut iamb iambic iambic pentameter ictus innards inner mechanism insides internals intestine inwards ionic jejunum jingle juncture kidney kip kishkes kopeck krona krone large intestine lilt lira liver liver and lights lung masculine caesura measure meter metrical accent metrical foot metrical group metrical unit metron midgut milreis molossus mora movement numbers paeon pause pentameter pentapody perineum period peseta pie piece of eight pistareen point pound proceleusmatic pump pylorus pyrrhic quantity rand rectum rhythm rial ruble rupee semicolon shekel shilling small intestine sol sou spleen spondee sprung rhythm stiver stomach stop stress swing syzygy tetrameter tetrapody tetraseme thesis ticker tribrach trimeter tripes tripody triseme trochee vermiform appendix viscera vitals won works yen


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