Dictionary 1. (n.) A belt, a girdle, or something worn round the body, -- as by an ecclesiastic for confining the alb.2. (n.) That which encompasses or encloses; an enclosure. 3. (n.) The fillet, listel, or band next to the apophyge at the extremity of the shaft of a column. Thesaurus anklet arena armlet band begird belt bracelet cingulum circling circumambience circumambiency circumcincture circumflexion circumjacence circumposition close collar collarband confine container containment coop court courtyard curtilage delimited field earring ecliptic embracement encincture encirclement enclave enclosure encompassment enfoldment engird envelopment environment equator fascia field fillet finger ring fold gird girding girdle girdling girt girth great circle ground hoop inclusion involvement list neckband necklace nose ring pale paling park pen quad quadrangle quoit ring sash square surrounding theater toft waistband wristband wristlet yard zodiac zone |