◄ Chilopoda ►

(n. pl.) One of the orders of myriapods, including the centipeds. They have a single pair of elongated legs attached laterally to each segment; well developed jaws; and a pair of thoracic legs converted into poison fangs. They are insectivorous, very active, and some species grow to the length of a foot.

C Chilopoda Chordata Echiuroidea Ectoprocta Entoprocta Monoplacophora Nemertinea Phoronidea arachnid arthropod beetle bicentenary bicentennial bug caterpillar cental centare centenarian centenary centennial centennium centigram centimeter centistere centred centref centrev centumvir centumvirate centurion century chilopod cwt daddy longlegs diplopod fly gross harvestman hecatomb hexapod hundred hundredweight insect larva long hundred maggot millepede millipede mite nymph one C scorpion sesquicentenary sesquicentennial spider tarantula tercentenary tercentennial tick


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