◄ Chevron ►

1. (n.) One of the nine honorable ordinaries, consisting of two broad bands of the width of the bar, issuing, respectively from the dexter and sinister bases of the field and conjoined at its center.

2. (n.) A distinguishing mark, above the elbow, on the sleeve of a non-commissioned officer's coat.

3. (n.) A zigzag molding, or group of moldings, common in Norman architecture.

Hershey bar L achievement alerion angle animal charge annulet apex argent armorial bearings armory arms aviation badge azure badge bandeau bar bar sinister baton bearings bend bend sinister bifurcation bight billet blazon blazonry bordure broad arrow cadency mark cant canton chaplet charge chicken chief coat of arms cockatrice coin corner coronet crank crankiness crescent crest crook crookedness cross cross moline crotchet crown deflection device difference differencing dogleg eagle elbow ell epaulet ermine ermines erminites erminois escutcheon falcon fess fess point field file flanch fleur-de-lis flexuosity fork fret fur furcation fusil garland griffin gules gyron hairpin hash mark hatchment helmet heraldic device honor point hook impalement impaling inescutcheon inflection insignia of branch knee label lion lozenge mantling marshaling martlet mascle metal motto mullet nombril point nook oak leaf octofoil or ordinary organization insignia orle overseas bar pale paly parachute badge patch pean pheon pip point purpure quarter quartering quoin rose sable saltire scutcheon service stripe shield shoulder patch shoulder sleeve insignia spread eagle star stripe submarine badge subordinary swerve switchback tenne tincture torse tressure unicorn vair veer vert vertex wreath yale zag zig zigzag zigzaggery


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