◄ Checkmate ►

1. (n.) The position in the game of chess when a king is in check and cannot be released, -- which ends the game.

2. (n.) A complete check; utter defeat or overthrow.

3. (v. t.) To check (an adversary's king) in such a manner that escape in impossible; to defeat (an adversary) by putting his king in check from which there is no escape.

4. (v. t.) To defeat completely; to terminate; to thwart.

arrest baffle bafflement balk balking bell blast block brake brave bring to bring up short challenge check circumvent confound confounding confront confusion contravene counter counteract countermand counterwork cross cut short cutoff dam dash dead stop deadlock defeat defy destroy discomfit discomfiture disconcert disconcertion discountenance dish disrupt draw rein elude end endgame ending final whistle flummox foil foiling freeze frustrate frustration full stop grinding halt gun halt knock the chocks lockout nonplus perplex pull up put paid to rebuff repulse reversal reverse rout ruin sabotage scotch setback sit-down strike spike spoil stalemate stall stand standoff standstill stay stem stem the tide stonewall stop stop cold stop dead stop short stoppage strike stump thwart thwarting upset walkout work stoppage


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