◄ Charisma ►

agacerie allure allurement amperage appeal armipotence ascendancy attraction attractiveness aura authority beef beguilement beguiling bewitchery bewitchment black power blandishment blaze of glory brilliance brilliancy brute force cajolery captivation charge charm charmingness clout cogence cogency come-hither compulsion consequence control credit dint dominance domination drive duress effect effectiveness effectuality eminence enchantment energy enthrallment enticement entrapment envelope esteem fascination favor flirtation flower power forbidden fruit force force majeure forcefulness full blast full force glamour glory good feeling halo hold illustriousness importance incidental power inducement influence influentiality insinuation interest inveiglement invitation leadership leverage luster magic magnetism main force main strength mana mastery might might and main mightiness moment moxie muscle power mystique nimbus numinousness personality persuasion pizzazz poop potence potency potentiality power power pack power structure power struggle powerfulness predominance preponderance prepotency pressure prestige productiveness productivity puissance pull punch purchase push radiance reign repute resplendence resplendency rule say seducement seduction seductiveness sex appeal sinew snaring splendor steam strength strong arm suasion subtle influence suggestion superiority superpower supremacy sway tantalization temptation upper hand validity vehemence vigor vim virility virtue virulence vitality wattage weight whip hand winning ways winsomeness witchcraft witchery wooing


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