Dictionary (L. catechunenus, Gr. / instructed, from /. See) One who is receiving rudimentary instruction in the doctrines of Christianity; a neophyte; in the primitive church, one officially recognized as a Christian, and admitted to instruction preliminary to admission to full membership in the church.Thesaurus Christian God-fearing man abecedarian accepter alphabetarian apprentice articled clerk baby beginner believer boot brother church member churchgoer churchite churchman churchwoman communicant convert daily communicant deb debutant devotee devotionalist disciple entrant fanatic fledgling follower freshman good Christian greenhorn greeny ignoramus inductee infant initiate laic lay brother lay sister layman laywoman learner neophyte nestling new boy newcomer novice novitiate parishioner pietist postulant probationer probationist proselyte raw recruit receiver recruit religionist rookie saint secular sister tenderfoot theist trainee truster tyro votary zealot |