◄ Capsule ►

1. (n.) a dry fruit or pod which is made up of several parts or carpels, and opens to discharge the seeds, as, the capsule of the poppy, the flax, the lily, etc.

2. (n.) A small saucer of clay for roasting or melting samples of ores, etc.; a scorifier.

3. (n.) a small, shallow, evaporating dish, usually of porcelain.

4. (n.) A small cylindrical or spherical gelatinous envelope in which nauseous or acrid doses are enclosed to be swallowed.

5. (n.) A membranous sac containing fluid, or investing an organ or joint; as, the capsule of the lens of the eye. Also, a capsule like organ.

6. (n.) A metallic seal or cover for closing a bottle.

7. (n.) A small cup or shell, as of metal, for a percussion cap, cartridge, etc.

Earth insertion LEM LM abbreviated abbreviation abbreviature abrege abridge abridged abridgment abstract abstracted amnion apogee attitude-control rocket bag ballistic capsule bark barrel basket bladder bleb blister bobbed boll bolus botany bottle box box up bran brief burn burr calyx can canned capsulize capsulized carton case cask cell chaff clipped cod compend compressed condensation condense condensed condensed version conspectus corn shuck cornhusk crate cropped curtailed cut short cyst deep-space ship digest digested docked docking docking maneuver draft elided elliptic encase encyst epitome ferry rocket fistula follicle fuel ship gallbladder hamper head hull husk injection insertion jacket jar legume legumen loculus lozenge lunar excursion module lunar module manned rocket marsupium module moon ship mowed mown multistage rocket nipped nutshell orbit outline overview pack package palea pandect parcel parking orbit pease cod peel pericarp perigee pill pocket pod pollard polled pot potted precis pruned reaped reentry review rind rocket rubric sac saccule sacculus saccus sack scrotum seed pod seed vessel seedbox seedcase shaved sheared shell short-cut shorten shortened shortened version shuck shuttle rocket silique sinus skeleton sketch sketch out skin snub snubbed soft landing sound space capsule space docking space rocket spacecraft spaceship stomach summarize survey syllabus synopsis synopsize tablet tank thumbnail sketch tin topical outline trimmed troche udder vasculum ventricle vesica vesicle


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