Dictionary ( n.) A tenacious, elastic, gummy substance obtained from the milky sap of several plants of tropical South America (esp. the euphorbiaceous tree Siphonia elastica or Hevea caoutchouc), Asia, and Africa. Being impermeable to liquids and gases, and not readly affected by exposure to air, acids, and alkalies, it is used, especially when vulcanized, for many purposes in the arts and in manufactures. Also called India rubber (because it was first brought from India, and was formerly used chiefly for erasing pencil marks) and gum elastic. See Vulcanization. Thesaurus Buna Butyl rubber IUD India rubber Lastex Paul Pry ace bag baleen battledore best bower birth control device blubber bower breeze butt-in butter caoutchouc cards caucho chewing gum clay clubs cold rubber condom contraceptive contraceptive foam crepe crepe rubber crude rubber cushion deck deuce diamonds diaphragm dough down dummy ebonite eiderdown elastic elastomer eradicator eraser expunger face cards feather bed feathers fleece floss flue fluff flush foam full house gum gum elastic hand handball hearts intermeddler intrauterine device jack joker jumping jack kapok king knave latex left bower nose oral contraceptive pack pair pessary picture cards pillow playing cards plush polyurethane rubber prophylactic pudding puff putty queen quidnunc racket round royal flush rubber ball rubber band rubberized rubberlike rubberneck rubbery ruff satin silicone rubber silk singleton skin snoop spades spandex spermicidal jelly spermicide sponge spring springboard straight stretch fabric swansdown synthetic rubber the pill thistledown trampoline trey trick trump velvet wax whalebone wool zephyr |