Dictionary 1. ( n.) A covering fixed over a bed, dais, or the like, or carried on poles over an exalted personage or a sacred object, etc. chiefly as a mark of honor. 2. (n.) An ornamental projection, over a door, window, niche, etc. 3. (n.) Also, a rooflike covering, supported on pillars over an altar, a statue, a fountain, etc. 4. (v. t.) To cover with, or as with, a canopy.
Thesaurus Caelus air altar carpet altar cloth antimacassar apply to awning azure baldacchino baldachin belvedere blanket blind block blue sky caelum canopy of heaven centerpiece cerecloth cerement cerulean chrismal ciborium cloak cloth clothe cloud cope corporal cover cover up cowl cozy curtain doily dossal eclipse empyrean ether fanon film fingerstall firmament gazebo hat heaven heavens hood housing hyaline jalousie lamp shade lay on lay over lift lifts mantle marquee marquise mask muffle obduce obscure occult overlay overspread pall parasol pavilion pith helmet pledget purdah put on roof scarf screen scum shade shade tree sheet shield shroud shutter sky smoke screen spread over starry heaven summerhouse sun hat sun helmet sunbonnet sunshade superimpose superpose tablecloth tarpaulin tent tester the blue the blue serene tidy topee umbrella vault vault of heaven veil veiling venetian blind visor welkin window curtain window screen window shade |