Dictionary 1. ( n.) Plain white cloth made from cotton, but which receives distinctive names according to quality and use, as, super calicoes, shirting calicoes, unbleached calicoes, etc. 2. (n.) Cotton cloth printed with a figured pattern. 3. (a.) Made of, or having the appearance of, calico; -- often applied to an animal, as a horse or cat, on whose body are large patches of a color strikingly different from its main color.
Thesaurus Acheronian Acherontic Cimmerian Stygian abstruse ambiguous armored beclouded blind buried calico cased castellatus ceiled cirrose cirrous cloaked close cloud-flecked cloudy coated concealed coped covered covert cowled cumuliform cumulous curtained dapple dappled dark dark and gloomy dirty dubious eclipsed encapsulated encapsuled encased enveloped enwrapped equivocal filmed floored funereal gloomful glooming gloomy heavy hid hidden hooded housed ill-lighted ill-lit in a cloud in a fog in eclipse in purdah in the wings incommunicado latent lenticularis loricate loricated lowering mammatus mantled marbled masked motley mottled muffled mysterious nebulous nimbose nubilous obfuscated obscure obscured occult occulted open overcast overclouded packaged paved pepper-and-salt piebald pied pinto problematic recondite roofed-in screened scummed secluded secluse secret sequestered shady sheathed shelled shielded shrouded skewbald somber sombrous squally stormy stratiform stratous swathed tented thunderheaded uncertain unclear under an eclipse under cover under house arrest under wraps underground unknown unsettled veiled walled walled-in wrapped wrapped in clouds |