◄ Caesura ►

(n.) A metrical break in a verse, occurring in the middle of a foot and commonly near the middle of the verse; a sense pause in the middle of a foot. Also, a long syllable on which the caesural accent rests, or which is used as a foot.

Alexandrine abeyance accent accentuation amphibrach amphimacer anacrusis anapest antispast arsis bacchius beat boundary breach break cadence catalexis cease-fire cessation chloriamb chloriambus clearance colon comma counterpoint cretic dactyl dactylic hexameter day off diaeresis dimeter dipody discontinuity distance between dochmiac double space drop elegiac elegiac couplet elegiac pentameter em space emphasis en space epitrite feminine caesura fissure foot freeboard gap hair space half space heptameter heptapody heroic couplet hesitation hexameter hexapody hiatus holiday iamb iambic iambic pentameter ictus interim interlude intermediate space intermezzo intermission intermittence interruption interspace interstice interval ionic jingle jump juncture lacuna lapse layoff leap leeway letup lilt lull margin masculine caesura measure meter metrical accent metrical foot metrical group metrical unit metron molossus mora movement numbers paeon pause pentameter pentapody period point proceleusmatic pyrrhic quantity recess remission respite rest rhythm room semicolon single space space space between spondee sprung rhythm stand-down stay stop stress suspension swing syzygy tetrameter tetrapody tetraseme thesis time interval tribrach trimeter tripody triseme trochee truce vacation


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