◄ Burgher ►

1. (n.) A citizen of a burgh or borough\, entitled to enjoy the privileges of the place; any inhabitant of a borough.

2. (n.) A member of that party, among the Scotch seceders, which asserted the lawfulness of the burgess oath (in which burgesses profess the true religion professed within the realm), the opposite party being called antiburghers.

Babbitt Christian Middle American Philistine anal character big-city man bourgeois burgess citizen city dweller city man city slicker compulsive character conformer conformist conventionalist exemplary citizen exurbanite formalist good citizen good neighbor methodologist middle-class type model child oppidan organization man parrot pedant perfectionist pillar of society plastic person precisian precisianist respectable citizen sheep square suburbanite teenybopper townee towner townfolk townfolks townsman townspeople townswoman trimmer true Christian urbanite villager villageress yes-man


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