◄ Brighten ►

1. (v.) To make bright or brighter; to make to shine; to increase the luster of; to give a brighter hue to.

2. (v.) To make illustrious, or more distinguished; to add luster or splendor to.

3. (v.) To improve or relieve by dispelling gloom or removing that which obscures and darkens; to shed light upon; to make cheerful; as, to brighten one's prospects.

4. (v.) To make acute or witty; to enliven.

5. (v. i.) To grow bright, or more bright; to become less dark or gloomy; to clear up; to become bright or cheerful.

animate beacon boost break brighten up buoy up burnish cheer cheer up dawn encourage enlighten enliven exhilarate flood with light floodlight gild gild the lily give a lift gladden grow bright grow light hearten highlight illume illuminate illumine inspire inspirit invigorate irradiate light light up lighten liven luminate overshine perk up pick up polish rejoice rejoice the heart relume relumine shed light upon shine shine upon spotlight sweeten throw light upon vitalize


Bright Young Man
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