1. (
n.) Properly, the leaf, or flat part of the leaf, of any plant, especially of gramineous plants. The term is sometimes applied to the spire of grasses.
2. (n.) The cutting part of an instrument; as, the blade of a knife or a sword.
3. (n.) The broad part of an oar; also, one of the projecting arms of a screw propeller.
4. (n.) The scapula or shoulder blade.
5. (n.) The principal rafters of a roof.
6. (n.) The four large shell plates on the sides, and the five large ones of the middle, of the carapace of the sea turtle, which yield the best tortoise shell.
7. (n.) A sharp-witted, dashing, wild, or reckless, fellow; -- a word of somewhat indefinite meaning.
8. (v. t.) To furnish with a blade.
9. (v. i.) To put forth or have a blade.
Beau Brummel Excalibur Skimobile Sno-Cat alveolar ridge alveolus apex arytenoid cartilages ax back battler bayonet beau belligerent belted knight bickerer blood boulevardier bract bracteole bractlet bravo brawler bully bullyboy clotheshorse cold steel combatant competitor contender contestant cotyledon coxcomb cutlass cutlery cutter cutting edge dagger dandy disputant dorsum dude duelist edge tools enforcer exquisite fashion plate fencer feuder fighter fighting cock fine gentleman flag floral leaf foilsman foliole fop fribble frond gallant gamecock gladiator glume goon gorilla hard palate hatchet man hood hoodlum hooligan involucre involucrum jack-a-dandy jackanapes jackknife jouster knife knight lady-killer lamina larynx leaf leaflet lemma ligule lips macaroni man-about-town masher militant naked steel nasal cavity needle oral cavity palate penknife petal pharyngeal cavity pharynx pigsticker pile pine needle playboy plug-ugly point poniard puncturer puppy quarreler rapier rioter rival rough rowdy ruffian runner sabreur scrapper scuffler seed leaf sepal sharpener shoot sled sleigh snowmobile soft palate spark spathe spear speech organ spire sport squabbler steel stiletto stipula stipule strong arm strong-arm man strong-armer struggler swashbuckler swell sword swordplayer swordsman syrinx teeth teeth ridge thug tilter tip toad sticker tongue tough trusty sword tussler velum vocal chink vocal cords vocal folds vocal processes voice box weasel whittle wrangler