1. (n.) The slope or angle to which the cutting edge of a tool, as a plane, is ground.

2. (v. t.) To grind or form the edge of to an angle.

3. (n.) The name given to several aromatic herbs of the Mint family, but chiefly to the common or sweet basil (Ocymum basilicum), and the bush basil, or lesser basil (O. minimum), the leaves of which are used in cookery. The name is also given to several kinds of mountain mint (Pycnanthemum).

4. (n.) The skin of a sheep tanned with bark.

Tabasco Worcestershire sauce allspice anchovies angelica applesauce basil bell pepper black pepper borage burnet caper capsicum caraway seeds cardamom catsup celery salt chervil chili chili sauce chili vinegar chives chutney cinnamon cloves condiments coriander cranberry sauce cubeb cumin curry dahl sauce dill dillseed duck sauce fagara fennel file five spice powder flavor flavorer flavoring garlic garlic butter garlic powder garlic salt ginger green pepper hedge garlic horseradish hyssop leek mace marinade marjoram mayonnaise mint mustard nutmeg onion onion salt oregano paprika parsley pepper peppercorn peppermint piccalilli pickle pimento pimpernel potherb radish red pepper relish saffron sage salad dressing salt sauce-alone savory seasoned salt seasoner seasoning sesame oil sesame seeds shallot soy soy sauce spice star anise tarragon tartar sauce thyme tomato paste turmeric vanilla vinegar white pepper


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