Dictionary 1. (n.) A feast; a sumptuous entertainment of eating and drinking; often, a complimentary or ceremonious feast, followed by speeches.2. (n.) A dessert; a course of sweetmeats; a sweetmeat or sweetmeats. 3. (v. t.) To treat with a banquet or sumptuous entertainment of food; to feast. 4. (v. i.) To regale one's self with good eating and drinking; to feast. 5. (v. i.) To partake of a dessert after a feast. Thesaurus Lucullan feast Mardi Gras Saturnalia bean-feast beano blow blowout carnival carouse celebration do do justice to eat heartily eat up fair feast feed festal board festival festive occasion festivity fete field day fiesta gala gala affair gala day gaudy great doings groaning board harvest home high jinks indulge jamboree joyance jubilation kermis mad round merrymaking party picnic polish the platter put it away regale regalement repast revel revelment revelry round of pleasures spread treat tuck waygoose wayzgoose wine and dine |