Dictionary 1. ( n.) A court officer whom of custody prisoners is entrusted\; originally, a person put in charge of something especially, a chief officer, magistrate, or keeper, as of a county, town, hundred, or castle 2. (n.) A sheriff's deputy, appointed to make arrests, collect fines, summon juries, etc. 3. (n.) An overseer or under steward of an estate, who directs husbandry operations, collects rents, etc.
Thesaurus G-man MC MP attorney beadle beagle bound bailiff butler captain catchpole chief of police commissioner constable croupier curator custodian deputy deputy sheriff detective emcee factor fed federal flic gendarme government man guardian housekeeper inspector landreeve librarian lictor lieutenant mace-bearer majordomo marshal master of ceremonies mounted policeman narc officer patrolman peace officer police captain police commissioner police constable police inspector police matron police officer police sergeant policeman policewoman portreeve proctor procurator reeve roundsman seneschal sergeant sergeant at arms sheriff steward superintendent tipstaff tipstaves trooper |