◄ Auricle ►

1. (n.) The external part of the ear; also a chamber of the heart\, by which the blood is received and transmitted to the ventricle or ventricles; -- so called from its resemblance to the auricle or external ear of some quadrupeds.

2. (n.) The external ear, or that part of the ear which is prominent from the head.

3. (n.) An angular or ear-shaped lobe.

4. (n.) An instrument applied to the ears to give aid in hearing; a kind of ear trumpet.

Eustachian tube alembic auditory apparatus auditory canal auditory meatus auditory nerve auditory ossicles auditory tube auricle basilar membrane bony labyrinth caldron cauliflower ear cochlea conch concha crucible drumhead ear ear lobe eardrum endolymph engine external ear hammer incus inner ear lathe lobe lobule lug machine malleus mastoid process melting pot middle ear mortar motor organ of Corti outer ear oval window perilymph pinna retort round window secondary eardrum semicircular canals shell stapes stirrup test tube transducer transformer tympanic cavity tympanic membrane tympanum vestibule


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