◄ Aureole ►

1. (n.) A celestial crown or accidental glory added to the bliss of heaven, as a reward to those (as virgins, martyrs, preachers, etc.) who have overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil.

2. (n.) The circle of rays, or halo of light, with which painters surround the figure and represent the glory of Christ, saints, and others held in special reverence.

3. (n.) A halo, actual or figurative.

4. (n.) See Areola, 2.

O annular muscle annulus anthelion antisun areola aura chaplet circle circuit circumference circus closed circle corona coronet countersun crown cycle diadem discus disk eternal return fairy ring garland glory halo lasso logical circle loop looplet lunar corona lunar halo magic circle mock moon mock sun moon dog nimbus noose orbit paraselene parhelic circle parhelion radius rainbow ring rondelle round roundel saucer solar corona solar halo sphincter sun dog vicious circle wheel wreath


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