◄ Augustinian ►

1. (a.) Of or pertaining to St. Augustine\, bishop Of Hippo in Northern Africa (b. 354 -- d. 430), or to his doctrines.

2. (n.) A member of one of the religious orders called after St. Augustine; an Austin friar.

3. (n.) One of a class of divines, who, following St. Augustine, maintain that grace by its nature is effectual absolutely and creatively, not relatively and conditionally.

Augustinian Augustinian Hermit Austin Friar Bernardine Black Friar Black Monk Bonhomme Brigittine Capuchin Carmelite Carthusian Cistercian Cluniac Conventual Crossed Friar Crutched Friar Dominican Franciscan Friar Minor Gilbertine Gray Friar Hospitaler Jesuit Loyolite Marist Maryknoll Minorite Observant Oratorian Premonstratensian Recollect Recollet Redemptorist Templar Trappist White Friar begging hermit preaching friar


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