◄ Assonance ►

1. (n.) Resemblance of sound; a vowel rhyme, as, 'calamo' and 'platano'\.

2. (n.) A peculiar species of rhyme, in which the last accented vowel and those which follow it in one word correspond in sound with the vowels of another word, while the consonants of the two words are unlike in sound; as, calamo and platano, baby and chary.

3. (n.) Incomplete correspondence.

alliteration blank verse chime clink consonance crambo dingdong double rhyme drone eye rhyme harping humdrum jingle jingle-jangle monotone monotony near rhyme paronomasia pitter-patter pun repeated sounds repetitiousness repetitiveness rhyme rhyme royal rhyme scheme rhyming dictionary single rhyme singsong slant rhyme stale repetition tail rhyme tedium trot unnecessary repetition unrhymed poetry


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