Dictionary 1. ( a.) Of or pertaining to the air or atmosphere; as, an aerial view\; inhabiting or frequenting the air; produced by or found in the air; performed in the air; as, aerial regions or currents. 2. (a.) Consisting of air; resembling, or partaking of the nature of air. Hence: Unsubstantial; unreal. 3. (a.) Rising aloft in air; high; lofty; as, aerial spires. 4. (a.) Growing, forming, or existing in the air, as opposed to growing or existing in earth or water, or underground; as, aerial rootlets, aerial plants. 5. (a.) Light as air; ethereal.
Thesaurus Olympian aerials aeriform aerodynamic aerophysical aerospace aerostatic aerotechnical aery air-built air-conscious air-minded air-wise airish airlike airsick airworthy airy alfresco altitudinous ascending aspiring atmospheric aviational breezy chimeric cloud-born cloud-built cloud-woven colossal directional antenna dish dominating doublet elevated eminent ethereal exalted exposed fuming fumy gaseous gasified gasiform gaslike gassy haughty high high-pitched high-reaching high-set high-up immaterial impalpable imperceptible imponderable incorporeal light lofty mast mephitic miasmal miasmatic miasmic monumental mounting open-air outtopping overlooking overtopping oxyacetylene oxygenous ozonic phantasmal pneumatic prominent reeking reeky reflector rhombic antenna roomy skyscraping smoking smoky soaring spiring steaming steamy steep sublime superlative supernal topless toplofty topping tower towering towery transmitting antenna tropospheric uplifted upreared vaporing vaporish vaporlike vaporous vapory wave antenna |