Dictionary 1. ( v. t.) To give by way of increased possession (to any one); to bestow (on). 2. (v. t.) To join or unite, as one thing to another, or as several particulars, so as to increase the number, augment the quantity, enlarge the magnitude, or so as to form into one aggregate. Hence: To sum up; to put together mentally; as, to add numbers; to add up a column. 3. (v. t.) To append, as a statement; to say further. 4. (v. i.) To make an addition. To add to, to augment; to increase; as, it adds to our anxiety. 5. (v. i.) To perform the arithmetical operation of addition; as, he adds rapidly.
Thesaurus adjoin affix agglutinate algebraize amalgamate annex append assimilate attach augment blend burden calculate cast cipher clutter coalesce combine come together complicate compound comprise compute conjoin connect consolidate cumber decorate divide dope out embody encompass encumber enlarge estimate extract roots fasten figure figure in figure out flux foot fuse glue on hitch on include incorporate increase infix integrate interblend interfuse join join with lump together make one measure meld melt into one merge mix multiply ornament paste on plus postfix prefix put together put with reckon reembody roll into one saddle saddle with score shade into slap on solidify subjoin subtract suffix sum summate superadd superimpose superpose syncretize syndicate synthesize tack on tag tag on take account of take on tally tot total tote unify unite unite with work out |