“As long as there's a body of water nearby, I'm happy. Pools don't count. I like diving into the ocean and coming out refreshed.”
“Being Canadian and from Winnipeg, I have the spirit of a dreamer because of the cold, and being in the basement thinking of possibilities of where else I can be in the world, in a good way!”
“Everybody should have the right to wear flip-flops in summer.”
“I always remind myself that the world is bigger than Hollywood, because I need to. Being Canadian and from Winnipeg, I have the spirit of a dreamer because of the cold, and being in the basement thinking of possibilities of where else I can be in the world, in a good way!”
“I don't know what makes me me. Sometimes it's really annoying to be me, but I have always had a spirit that wants to find a challenge, parties, the life, the attention, where the most energy is - I'm going in.”
“I find day after day of sunshine boring.”
“I had no dream of being a movie star.”
“I have followed my heart my whole life - the crazy kid, a contrarian by nature, and I've been in trouble in points in my career.”
“The best drink I've ever had was a mojito in St. Barts at Nikki Beach. That drink changed my life.”
“The truth is I studied fine arts in Switzerland. I was just interested. I had no dream of being a movie star.”