“I had a mouse in my apartment and I couldn't sleep for two nights. I hate mice. They move so fast.”
“I have been extremely fortunate to have incredibly special fans support my work throughout my twelve year career.”
“I'm enjoying dating. I'm single, though, I'm not in a relationship.”
“I'm grateful that on a lot of casts I've gained friends for life. But it's more of a rare thing than a normal thing. I have a small group of friends, and I just, uh, feel fulfilled by the people that are in my life.”
“My brother is nine years older than I am. He's a psychology professor, I'm an actor, and so we look at life in two different ways. We thought it would be interesting to come together and take our unique perspectives and share them with everybody else.”
“My season 2 'Good Wife' wrap gift was this deluxe package of Mortal Kombat. I played it for, like, two weeks straight.”
“Pabst Blue Ribbon. I'm from Johnson City, Tennessee. I gotta go Pabst.”
“Somebody wanted me to autograph her breast and I kindly refused. She was in college. I thought maybe I shouldn't do that.”
“The main thing is that the 'C' is silent, so it kind of starts with a 'Z.' Z-O-O-K-RIE. It's Ukrainian, on my dad's side.”
“When I was in kindergarten, it took me like three months to learn how to spell my own name. But that's also not saying much considering I'm a terrible speller.”
“Working with my brother is something that I've always wanted to do. He's one of my best friends.”