◄ Julian Lennon ►


A lot of people think that I grew up in recording studios and knew the whole process, but that was never the case.

As much as I love music, in my mind, photography is what makes me the happiest - that's for sure.

Dad could talk about peace and love out loud to the world, but he could never show it to the people who supposedly meant the most to him: his wife and son. How can you talk about peace and love and have a family in bits and pieces - no communication, adultery, divorce? You can't do it, not if you're being true and honest with yourself.

He was like a real dad, you know. We used to sit down with guitars and mess around.

He wasn't a great father. He was a great musician. That's always been a touchy one, and it will be until I can find the answer, but I don't know if there is one.

I am a complete mother's boy. I try to do everything with honour, respect and grace because the last thing I would want to do is hurt her.

I don't meditate in any formal way, but I often lie in bed or find myself in nature and enter into that state of quiet where I get images, feelings, or melodies.

I find it upsetting to see the erosion of manners. It's very scary. Where are the 'pleases' and 'thank yous?'

I get twitchy if I don't pick up a guitar or sit at the piano every now and then... I have to do it; I don't have a choice.

I had always thought of starting my own record company. I haven't regretted the decision - yet!

I have a short temper - I think it's part of the Celtic background. I used to be a lot more angry, but I was quite discreet with it.

I love to sit on a mountain top and gaze. I don't think of anything but the people I care about and the view.

I realise myself that hate wastes a lot of time and energy, and I would rather re-direct any energy that I have to good and positive use.

I think everyone has the potential to be creative, but they have to find the avenue or avenues that work for them.

If you bring a child into this world, whether it's planned or an accident, you'd better make sure you can care for it. You have to be around. You make time. It's as simple as that.

I'm not one for flings, I can tell you that.

I'm one of those people who snake through the crowd, keep my head low. I'm not looking for attention.

I've been a philanthropist for all my life, and... I've had many involvements in humanitarian and environmental issues.

I've done every kind of touring known to mankind. I've played the big and the small places.

I've found constancy and balance between creativity and normality.

Like most photographers, I try to capture a moment in my work.

Music's been with me from the get-go. It was always around me as a kid. Dad got me my first guitar when I was 11 and, at school, if you wanted to be cool you had to be in a band.

My dad's music was a great inspiration to me.

My goal in life has been to be a songsmith, not a pop person.

On the one hand, I've had such a normal upbringing with my mum, who has kept me grounded, but on the other, the wild experiences through my dad.

People are generally badly advised when they're starting out in the creative field.



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