◄ Julia Butterfly Hill ►


For me, love is not about froufrou New Age-ism. It's about a way of living and honoring the interconnectedness of life and accepting our responsibility and our power to change the world for the better.

I don't do the media because of 'Woo-woo, Julia Butterfly,' as I call it. I'm not into promoting me. I'm into talking about why I've done what I've done, why I continue to do this work and why other people should care.

I don't endorse products, only actions and beliefs.

I don't really watch movies. I don't own a TV.

I have been stubborn and getting into trouble since I was 2, but I learned how to redirect that into good causes.

I think really what needs to happen is the people of the United States need to stand up and say, 'Oil is an energy model from the past. It doesn't work for the planet, it doesn't work for the people, it never has and it never will.'

I'm a poster child for Luddites. It was a challenge for me to open myself up the tech world.

I'm so drastically independent; I don't tend to flourish in relationships.

I've got two bikes that get me everywhere I need to go. And public transportation.

We live in a disposable society. We throw so much away. But it doesn't come from nowhere. It comes from the planet and it comes from future generations' lives.

We live in a world that is full of problems, and we are the solutions to those problems.

We live in a world that tells us not to care, to consume everything in sight. It tells us that being cool and being an individual actually means buying what everyone else is buying and doing what everyone else is doing.



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