◄ Judy Greer ►


Any time you learn something new about your character, that's really exciting.

I am an actress - I am paid to verbalize other people's words, not create my own.

I am very reluctantly healthy.

I definitely felt awkward and I didn't fit in. Other than that, I'm learning that everyone felt that way: even the popular girls.

I enjoy the old-fashioned idea of, like, 'His Girl Friday' and 'Bringing Up Baby', those old movies.

I had Madonna parties; I dressed like Madonna, and I had all of her records because we had records back then. I knew all of her lyrics; I was obsessed with her movies and the whole thing.

I imagined my fantasy co-author would look like Miranda Kerr, but have the intellect and comedic timing of Liz Lemon.

I just try not to look at any role as a comedic role or a dramatic role. I just try to stay in the movie I'm in.

I love Cate Blanchett; I think she's brilliant.

I love television, I've always wanted to be on television.

I love watching Edie Falco; she's so layered, and her work is so great.

I really love this character I played called Becky Freeley in a T.V. show called 'Miss Guided'. We only shot seven episodes, and nobody watched it, and it was on for, like, a second, but I really liked that character.

I remember my choir teacher in high school told me, 'When in doubt, sing loud.' I'm a terrible singer, but I always auditioned for the musicals, and would get cast in them because I really would just put it all out there. That was really good advice, and I think it works for everything, not just acting.

I think when you're just counting on your voice, you actually need double the energy. I find myself acting out the scenes and being very physical while I'm recording because I think you can tell when someone is just sitting on a stool.

I took ballet dancing forever, and there was a natural transition into acting.

I would have played any character in an Alexander Payne movie.

I'd been dating my husband for about a year, and I'd already kissed George Clooney, Ashton Kutcher and Gerard Butler. Awesome year, right?

I'm not opposed to auditioning. I love auditioning. It's one of my favorite things.

It's bad enough when people are comparing your movie to just other random movies, but when you have another 'Carrie' to compare it to, it's rough.

It's so cheap to just release a movie. You can do it by yourself if you have to. Put in on the Internet if you have to.

Men are awesome, but they're pretty easy to figure out; women are way more complicated, and way more interesting.

'Reluctantly Healthy' is so completely different than what I do for a living. It's really what I wanted it to be, which is learning to be healthy.

Sometimes I think to get to the emotional level of a scene, you don't necessarily have to have experienced the exact thing that person has experienced, but whatever you have in your life that has gotten you to that place is usually enough.

Sometimes when you're given hurdles, it makes you more creative in the end.

The truth is that the actresses who I look up to are either my age or a few years older or a lot older.

When you do a movie, you don't know when it's going to come out. In a year, you forget about it.



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