“A lot of people have culturally induced ethical blindness, but they can be cured!”
“All of us in society are supposed to believe that cruelty to animals is wrong and that it is a good thing to prevent needless suffering. So if that is true, how can meat be acceptable under any but the most extraordinary circumstances, such as perhaps roasting the bird who died flying into a window?”
“All tyranny, bigotry, aggression, and cruelty are wrong, and whenever we see it, we must never be silent.”
“Although we have, in theory, abolished human slavery, recognized women's rights, and stopped child labor, we continue to enslave other species who, if we simply pay attention, show quite clearly that they experience parental love, pain, and the desire for freedom, just as we do.”
“Animal hoarding was a dirty secret until hoarders appeared on our TV screens and showed how they are compelled to collect so many dogs, cats or parrots that the animals end up in cages only inches bigger than their own bodies. For life.”
“Being asked to support humane meat means being asked to support the suffering of animals in transport, to approve of treatment that causes them palpable fear, their bodies shaking and their eyes wide as saucers, as they are slung by their legs into crates that are slammed onto the back of a truck.”
“By adopting a wonderful mutt, you'll save a life and help reduce animal homelessness while also boosting your chances of a more robust new furry friend, as mixed-breed dogs have demonstrated better health and longer life spans than their purebred cousins.”
“Elephants have the largest brains of any mammal on the face of the Earth. They are creative, altruistic and kind.”
“Every animal has his or her story, his or her thoughts, daydreams, and interests. All feel joy and love, pain and fear, as we now know beyond any shadow of a doubt. All deserve that the human animal afford them the respect of being cared for with great consideration for those interests or left in peace.”
“I have to think of the positive; that's how I cope.”
“If we are ever to halt climate change and conserve land, water and other resources, not to mention reduce animal suffering, we must celebrate Earth Day every day - at every meal.”
“If you like to bake with eggs, you can substitute Ener-G egg replacer, bananas, tofu, or many other ingredients. You get the hang of it quickly enough.”
“It is only human supremacy, which is as unacceptable as racism and sexism, that makes us afraid of being more inclusive.”
“It's interesting that one of the definitions of the word 'human' is 'sympathetic.' More and more people are beginning to show that they understand why that is important.”
“It's the 21st century. It's healthier for us, better for the environment and certainly kinder to be a vegetarian.”
“Never doubt that one person can make a difference.”
“Ninety-five percent of the eggs produced in America come from factory-farmed birds. Even if free-range farms were hugely more humane, the sheer number of animals raised to satisfy people's desire for eggs, meat, and milk makes it impossible for us to raise them all on small, free-range farms.”
“One hates to be absolute, but in my view, there is no such thing as humane meat.”
“Perhaps measuring animal intelligence by comparing it to human intelligence isn't the best litmus test.”
“Pigeon racing is a lousy, greedy, and often unlawful activity. One thing that it is not is kind to birds.”
“Pigeons are gentle and smart and have complex social relationships. Their hearing and vision are both excellent.”
“Real nutrition comes from soybeans, almonds, rice, and other healthy vegetable sources, not from a cow's udder.”
“There's nothing humane about the flesh of animals who have had one or two or even three improvements made in their singularly rotten lives on today's factory farms.”
“When it comes to having a central nervous system, and the ability to feel pain, hunger, and thirst, a rat is a pig is a dog is a boy.”
“Whether or not we are religious, respecting others should be seen as just as important as looking out for ourselves, yet it requires discipline to change our bad habits that cause pain to animals.”
“Why go for a costly, sickly, mass-produced purebred when shelters are full of one-of-a-kind mixed breeds who are literally dying for a home?”