“I do think you can change the past and the present somehow. Even if something has already happened, it doesn't mean it's settled.”
“My work is on the one hand laboured, and on the other completely happenstance and intuitive.”
“My work is on the one hand laboured, and on the other completely happenstance and intuitive. But that's the swish in the work, I think. It's really important to me that the work isn't just sitting on top of something, that the materials are woven together - that they are recognisable and from the world.”
“Regardless of your support, you need to make work.”
“There's so much happenstance, so many accidents - stumbling into something and finding it interesting and living with it over time and building on it. It's okay to work from doubt. You need to be willing to not know.”
“When a writer makes something, it's theirs forever. That is the magic for me.”