Quotes “For now, for this year, I need to be a good mother.”
“I am not a pregnant working mother wronged.”
“I think there's nothing better in the world than a spirited discussion about the Bible and Jesus and God and the Catholic faith, or the Jewish faith, or the Muslim faith - any religion.”
“I worked in three local news markets and in every single one of them, they said: 'You're a lousy anchor. We would love to renew your contract and have you be our lead reporter here, but we're not going to have you anchor.'”
“I'm praying we don't go to war with Iraq. If we do, I may have to go back to work earlier.”
“It's estimated that one million girls in India 'disappear' every year.”
“Six months ago, I traveled to India to see firsthand what the prime minister of that country calls a national shame. It is the systematic, widespread, shocking elimination of India's baby girls. Some 50,000 female fetuses are aborted every month in India.”
“We're way overdue on a woman sitting in one of those Big Three chairs.”
“You know, guys, it is possible for two women to work together and get along.” |