“America does not always need to be the world's bodyguard.”
“Anything can be negotiated if you have a strong leader.”
“At the end of the day, Mr. Trump is going to have the last laugh.”
“Candidates ignore New Hampshire at their own peril. You all remember President Giuliani? He's done a great job in the White House.”
“Donald Trump is the best debater on the debate stage.”
“Donald Trump is the greatest deal maker in the history of our country.”
“Every time Mr. Trump goes to speak somewhere, he lays out the problems with that given location, whether it's Ohio or Michigan, or Indiana, you know, your country is a mess right now. Our jobs are leaving. Our trade deals are killing us.”
“Everything is politically correct nowadays.”
“Getting elected as a Republican in Massachusetts is very, very different from being elected as a Republican in New Hampshire.”
“I am not a rabble rouser.”
“I can assure you that during my tenure as his employee, Bob Ney was the hardest working man in Ohio and Washington. I can further assure you the work that he did and the decisions he made were done with integrity and the highest regard for his office and those he served.”
“I think Hillary Clinton's probably going to be indicted, is my guess. So anything she can do to deflect from her email scandal and other scandals which are coming down is probably good for her.”
“I think Mr. Trump and Paul Ryan have a lot in common.”
“I think Mr. Trump's people are very, very passionate, and they're angry because of the way that this country has been taken advantage of from so many other countries. That's a frustration level I think a lot of people in this country feel, and people express it in different ways.”
“I think the most important thing is God forbid anything were to happen to Mr. Trump as the president, you want someone who can take over the government the very next day and make sure that their agenda and Mr. Trump's agenda continues to move forward.”
“I work for Donald Trump, and everyone knows that.”
“I'd love to say second place is great, but it's not.”
“If you don't want to do your job as a U.S. Senator, then please resign your seat and stop taking taxpayer money for a job you're not doing anymore.”
“It's time to send somebody to Washington who is willing to fundamentally change the system and make America great again. There is only one guy willing to do that: Trump.”
“I've never spoken with Michelle Fields.”
“Jeb Bush has been labeled 'low energy,' and he will be so for the rest of his life, because Mr. Trump labeled him that way. He's a master brander. Marco Rubio is going to be 'Little Marco' forever. Ted Cruz is 'Lyin' Ted,' because that's what people understand.”
“Mr. Trump fights back. He doesn't fight back with one retort. He continuously reminds people.”
“Mr. Trump has evolved to the point where he understands that a grass-roots strategy must be supplemented with paid advertising to be able to combat the negative ads that will run against him - and he is prepared or preparing to spend what it takes to make sure his message gets to the voters.”
“Mr. Trump is actually going to accomplish something, and that's why Mr. Trump's campaign has caught on like wildfire across the country and we see these huge crowds that come out.”
“Mr. Trump is proud to pay a lower tax rate, the lowest tax rate possible. He fights for every single dollar. That's the mindset you want to bring to the government.”
“Mr. Trump speaks for Mr. Trump, and his tweets speak for themselves. And he's very clear about what those tweets say.”
“Mr. Trump would need someone to help govern in Washington, D.C. When a complete outsider is picked to lead the ticket, it makes sense to have someone with government experience on it.”
“Paul Ryan and Mr. Trump have had a conversation, and they continue to develop that relationship. They had a great meeting in Washington, D.C., where they talk about what was important to both of them. They agree on many issues.”
“People are unhappy with the direction of the country - we saw that with the rise of the Tea Party; we saw that when we had thousands of people at the statehouse in Concord, New Hampshire, protesting the government with more taxes and more spending.”
“People understand that Trump is a born leader.”
“Poll workers put in very long hours on election day.”
“President after president has said energy independence is critical. But then you have the EPA tasked to go after American companies producing coal and penalizing them. You can't have it both ways.”
“The days of a politician talking platitudes are over, and if it wasn't for Mr. Trump in this race, people would have allowed politicians to have a pass in talking platitudes about things that will never be accomplished.”
“The difference that you have with Donald Trump and everyone else in the field is, you've got one proven leader, an individual who has unbelievable success in the private sector. Everybody else in the field talks about it.”
“The inside-the-beltway guys have no control over Donald Trump.”
“The media has their own agenda.”
“The people of New Hampshire want someone in the U.S. Senate with clear, concise views on terrorism. They'll judge a congressman based on the people he associates with, his voting record, and his campaign contributions.”
“The people who are supporting Herman Cain are the type of people that show up and vote in the primary.”
“The problem with the professional political class is they make money regardless of who wins.”
“There is clearly a move among some tea-party people, not all of them, to always elect or nominate the most conservative person, and under that scenario, I don't think Scott Brown would probably be their first choice.”
“There's no substitute for direct personal interaction.”
“These candidates are all beholden to these super PACs.”
“This is the fundamental problem with the ruling class in Washington, D.C. - the party bosses, the K Street crowd, the lobbyists who control all these politicians. They will do anything to maintain their power. They will do anything. They will say anything.”
“We need to stop illegal immigration. We need to put people back to work. We need to cut taxes.”
“What does it take to win in New Hampshire? Grass roots and financial resources.”
“What happens traditionally in a campaign is they will go out to their list once or twice a week to raise money from their fund-raisers, but when a candidate gets to a general election, you get some donor fatigue because they've already maxed out their campaign to give.”
“What I'm saying is, 'Look, life is a long thing, and I don't need enemies. I need friends just like Donald Trump.'”
“What we know is Megyn Kelly is totally obsessed with Mr. Trump.”
“What you have with Mr. Trump is you have a clear leader, a person who - he said it best - is not going to be toyed with.”
“When I see something that I think isn't right, I think I have some kind of, for right or wrong, an obligation to fix it.”
“You let Congress make the laws. You work with the Congress as the president to make sure that those laws are accurate and to the best of our ability, but you don't turn it over to the federal judges to make those laws.”
“Your tax returns on a yearly basis don't tell you what you're worth. What they show is what your income is.”