“Hollywood is my day job.”
“Hollywood was a detour, although my mother was an aristocrat from Tokyo who ran away to join the theatre, so acting is in my genes.”
“I believe the body can take care of itself. It's all about self-health. It's about depending on our breathing.”
“I originally started off as a healer before I came to Hollywood.”
“I really believe that breath, in and of itself... can become the ultimate self-healing tool.”
“It's not whether you fall or make a mistake, it's what you do when you fall. And I say you stand up. You keep standing up. It's not how many times you fall, it's how many times you stand up.”
“My look is 'Poly'n'Asian' - part Polynesian native, part Asian warrior.”
“Nature is a big part of my weekend. Whenever possible, I take Friday and Monday off and spend four days outdoors. We should remind ourselves that there was something here before us, a force more powerful than us.”
“The Hawaiian language needs to be studied globally as a language of life.”
“The one thing that about me, being a healer, I just have a different kind of relationship with people. So I am defiantly a different type of celebrity.”
“When you start working on a series, it's almost too much work. It's like a movie a week.”
“You release more toxins from the body through a deep exhale than you do from anything else.”