“A man needs to be polite, not just to me but to everyone. I watch that. How does he treat the waiter? How does he treat the coat-check girl? How does he treat the driver?”
“Be sure what you want and be sure about yourself. Fashion is not just beauty, it's about good attitude. You have to believe in yourself and be strong.”
“Coconut water is just the best for you; it's always something we had in Brazil. Since I was a little girl, I've been drinking it.”
“Don't try to be what you're not. If you're nervous, be nervous. If you're shy, be shy. It's cute.”
“From my hair to my toes to my nails. Everything's fake. Everything! Even my heart is fake.”
“Here in the big city people spend their time thinking about work and about money; they don't give some value to friendships and it can be depressing.”
“I just think they're really insecure about themselves sometimes. I know all the girls, but we all work a lot and don't have time to hang out together. They're all really nice; I've never had a problem with any model.”
“I like to go to the movies or read.”
“I love going to work out now. It gets out aggression and my trainer really shakes it up so I don't get bored.”
“I love old-fashioned manners, as long as it's not forced. I can tell when it's natural or when someone is just trying to impress me.”
“I missed out on everything. Sometimes on the street I see teenagers hanging out and going to the movies, going to concerts, and I get so jealous.”
“I used to be very shy. When I first started, I had to go to a casting, and I had to go in a bikini. I thought I was too skinny. But I went in and got the job! And that's how I started.”
“I want to be a child doctor. A pediatry... how do you call it, pediatrician? Do I like kids? No, not really.”
“I was in a fashion show and I had on a strapless top. When I got to the end the top was down.”
“I was so embarrassed about mispronouncing words. I just knew how to smile.”
“I would like just one time to be on the cover of Italian Vogue.”
“If one day I have a daughter and my daughter wants to be a model, I would never let her!”
“If you look around Brazil you see pregnant women everywhere. Here you don't see that as much. There the only thing they do is babies, babies, babies! Especially the poor families.”
“I'm a teenager, but I'm independent - I have my own apartment, I have my own life. And I think I have learned more than any of those teenagers have in school. I learned to be responsible, leaving my family and coming here alone.”
“I've never been to the gym. I do nothing.”
“Lingerie is one of the most important pieces of your wardrobe. You can have a wardrobe malfunction if you don't choose the right thing to wear underneath!”
“Modeling is a tough job, your co-workers are your rivals, it really puts a damper on your perspective of other girls.”
“My favorite designer is Christian Lacroix, not just because his clothes are amazing and I love them, but because he's so nice. When I did his fashion show, he was the first one to arrive there and he helped everyone.”
“When I get older, I don't think I'll like to have wrinkles, or a big jelly belly. I cannot have it.”
“You don't have to have an attitude if you're famous.”
“Younger guys are just too jealous.”