A. The Geography of Arabia - Andrew, (Sir W. P.)—The Euphrates Valley Route (London, 1882).
- Barthema, (Ludovico.)—Travels in Arabia translated by R. Eden (1576).
- Begum of Bhopal—Pilgrimage to Mecca (London, 1870).
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- Blunt, (Lady Ann.)—A pilgrimage to Nedj, 2 vols. (London, 1883).
- ” —The Bedouins of the Euphrates (London, 1879).
- Buist, (Dr.)—Physical Geography of the Red Sea (no date).
- Burckhardt, (John Lewis.)—Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabis, 2 vols. (London, 1830; in German, Weimar, 1831).
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- Doughty, (C. M.)—Arabia Deserta, 2 vols. (Cambridge, 1888).
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- Forster—The Historical Geography of Arabia, 2 vols. (London, 1844).
- Frede, (P.)—La Peche aux Perles en Perse et a Ceylan (Paris, 1890).
- Fresnel—Lettres in Journal Asiatique iii. Series v. 521.
- Galland—Recueil des Rites et Ceremonies du Pelerinage de la Mecque (Amsterdam, 1754).
- Haig, (F. T., Maj. Gen.)—A Journey through Yemen. Proceedings of the Roy. Geog. Soc. of London, vol. ix., No. 8.
- Harris, (W. B.)—A Journey through Yemen (London, 1893).
- Hunter, (F. M.)—Statistical Account of the British Settlement of Aden (London, 1877).
- Hurgronje, (Snouck.)—Mekka, mit bilder atlas, 2 vols. (Hague, 1888).
- Irwin, (Eyle.)—Adventures in a voyage up the Red Sea on the coasts of Arabia, etc., in 1777 (London, 1780).
- Jaubert—Geographie d’Edresi (in Arabic and French, Paris, 1836).
- Jomard—Études Geog. et Hist. sur l’Arabie (in vol. iii. Mengin’s History of Egypt).
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- La Roque—A voyage to Arabia the Happy, etc. (London, 1726).
- Makramah, (Aboo Abd Allah ibn Achmed.)—A Manuscript History of Aden (see Hunter’s account).
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- Michaelis—Receuil de Questiones proposeÈs a une SocietÊ de Savants qui par ordre de Sa Majestie Danoise font le voyage de l’Arabic (Amsterdam, 1774).
- Niebuhr, (Carsten.)—Original edition in German (Copenhagen, 1772).
- ” ” —In French edition (Amsterdam, 1774).
- Niebuhr, (Carsten.)—Travels through Arabia trans. into English by Robert Heron, 2 vols. (Edinburgh, 1792).
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- ” ” ” —Travels in Persia and Arabia, 3 vols. (London, 1800).
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- Sachau—Am Euphrat und Tigris. Reisenotizen, 1897-98 (Leipzig, 1900).
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- Seetzen—Travels in Yemen (1810).
- Sprenger, (A.)—Die alte Geographie Arabiens als Grundlage der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Semitismus (Berne, 1875).
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- Stanley, (Dean.)—Sinai and Palestine.
- Stern, (Rev. A.)—A journey to Sana’a in 1856 (Jewish Intelligencer, vol. xxiii., pp. 101 seq.).
- Stevens—Yemen (1873).
- Taylor, (Bayard.)—Travels in Arabia (New York). Various editions.
- Tuck—Essay on Sinaitic Inscriptions in the Journal of German Oriental Society, vol. xiv., pp. 129 seq.
- Van den Berg, (L. W. C.)—Hadramaut and the Arabian colonies in the Indian Archipelago. Translated from the Dutch by Major Seeley (Bombay Govt. Records No. 212 new series).
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- ” ” —Narrative of a journey to the ruins of Nakeb el Hajar (Journal Roy. Geo. Soc. vii. 20).
- Whish—Memoir on Bahrein (1859).
- WÜstenfeld (F.)—Baherein und Jemameh.
- Zehm (Albrecht.)—Arabie seit Hundert Jahren (Halle, 1875).
B. Manners and Customs[169] - Arabian Nights—(Various editions).
- Baillie, (N. B. E.)—The Mohammedan law of sale (London, 1850).
- —Mohammedan Law Hanifi code (London, 1865).
- —Mohammedan Law Imamia code (London, 1869).
- Boyle, (J. B. S.)—Manual of Mohammedan Laws (Lahore, 1873).
- Burckhardt’s—Arabic Proverbs (London).
- —Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabis, (London, 1831).
- Grady, (S. G.)—The Mohammedan Law of inheritance (London, 1869).
- Hamilton, (Charles.)—Hedaya or Guide; a commentary on the Mussulman Laws (London, 1886).
- Jessup, (H. H.)—Women of the Arabs (New York, 1874).
- Kremer, (Alfred Von.)—Kultur Geschichte des Orients, 2 vols. (Wien, 1875-77).
- Lane’s—Manners and Customs of Modern Egyptians, 2 vols. (London).
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- Meer, (Mrs. Hassan Ali.)—Observations on the Mussulmans (London, 1832).
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- —Kinship and Marriage in early Arabia (Cambridge).
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- Trumbull, (H. C.)—The Blood Covenant (Philadelphia, 1891).
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- C. History of Arabia.[170]
- Abu Jaafer Muhammed et Tabbari—Tarikh el mulook; Arabic and Latin. Edit. Kosegarten (Leipsic, 1754).
- Abulfida—Annales Muslemici. Arab. et Latin. Various editions.
- Badger, (George Percy.)—History of the Imams and Seyyids of Oman by Salil Ibn Razik from A.D., 661-1856. Trans. with intro. and notes (London, 1871).
- Blau, Otto—Arabien im Sechsten Jahrhundert. Zeitschrift des Deutsch. Morgenland. Gesel. xviii. B.
- Clark, E. L.—The Arabs and the Turks (Boston).
- Crichton—History of Arabia and its people (London, 1844).
- D’Herbelot—Bibliotheque Orientale (Maestricht, 1776).
- Doughty, (C.)—Documents epigraphiques recueillis dans le nord de l’Arabie (avec prÉface et traduction des inscriptions nabatÉennes de Medain-Salih par E. Renan). With 57 plates 4to. (Paris, 1884.)
- Dozy, R.—De Israeliten te Mekka (Leyden, 1864).
- —Essai sur l’Histoire del’ Islamisme (Paris, 1879).
- Eichhorn—Monumenta Antiquissima Hist. Arabum (Gotha, 1775).
- Faria y Souza—Manuel de Asia Portuguesa (Lisbon, 1666).
- FlÜgel, Gustav—Geschichte der Araber bis auf den sturz des Chalifats von Bagdad, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1864).
- Forster, Rev. C—The historical geography of Arabia (London, 1844).
- Freeman—History of the Saracens.
- Fresnel—Lettres sur hist. des Arabes avant l’Islamisme. Journal Asiatique (1838-1853).
- Gibbon’s—Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Chaps. l., li., lii.).
- Gilman, A.—The Saracens (Story of Nations) (London, 1891).
- Haji Khalifah—Hist. of the Maritime wars of the Turks. Translated from the Turkish by James Mitchell (London, 1831).
- Hallam’s—History of the Middle Ages (Chapter vi.).
- Hammer-Purgstall—GemÄldesaal der Lebensbeschreibungen grosser Moslimischer Herrscher (Leipzig, 1837).
- Hamza Ispahanensis—Tarikh Saniy Mulook el Ardh, Arab. Lat. ed. Gottwaldt (St. Petersburg, 1844).
- Jergis El Mekin—Hist. Saracenica Arab. et Lat. (Leyden, 1625).
- Khuzraji, Ali bin Hoosain El—History of Yemen (MSS. in Records of Residency at Aden).
- Milman’s—Latin Christianity Bk. iv. chaps, i., ii.
- Muir—Annals of Early Caliphate (London, 1883). (See under D. Islam).
- ” —The Caliphate, its Rise, Decline and Fall (London, 1891).
- Ockley, S.—History of the Saracens (London, 1708).
- Perceval, A. P. Caussin de—Essai sur l’Histoire des Arabes avant Islamisme (Paris, 1836).
- Playfair, R. L.—History of Arabia Felix (Bombay, 1859.)
- Pocock, Eduardo—Specimen Hist. Arab. ex Abul Feda (Oxford, 1650).
- Quartremere—Memoire sur les Nabatheen.
- Rasmussen—Addimenta ad Hist. Arab. ante Islam.
- Redhouse, J. W.—A Tentative Chronological Synopsis of the history of Arabia and its neighbors from B.C. 500000 [!] to A.D. 679 (London, 1890).
- Roesch, A.—Die KÖnigin von Saba als KÖnigin Bilquis (Leipzig, 1880).
- Rycant—The present state of the Ottoman Empire (London, 1675).
- Sachau, C. Edward—The Chronology of Ancient Nations; an English version of Arabic “Vestiges of the past,” A. H. 390-1000 (London, 1885).
- SchmÖlder—Sur les Ecoles Philosophique chez les Arabes (Paris, 1842).
- Schulten—Hist. Imperii vetus Joctanidarum (Hard. Gelderland, 1786).
- —Monumenta Vetustiora Arab (Leyden, 1740).
- Sedillot—Hist. gen. des Arabes (Paris, 1877). (Best general history.)
- Souza—Documentos Arabicos para a hist. Portuguesa (Lisbon, 1790).
- Weil, Gustav—Geschichte der Chalifen, 3 vols. (Mannheim, 1846-51).
- —Geschichte der Islamisher VÖlker von Mohammed bis zur Zeit des Sultan Selim (Stuttgart, 1866).
- WÜstenfeld, F.—Die Geschichtschreiber der Araber und ihrer Werke (GÖttingen, 1882).
- WÜstenfeld, F.—Vergleichungs Tabellen der Muh. und Christ. Zeitrechnung (Leipzig, 1854).
- WÜstenfeld, F.—Die Chroniken der Stadt Mekka gesammelt, und herausgegeben, Arab. Deutsch, 4 vols. (Leipzig, 1857).
- WÜstenfeld, F.—Genealogische Tabellen der Arabische StÄmme (GÖttingen, 1852).
D. Islam - Addison, Lancelot—State of Mahumedism (London, 1679).
- Akehurst, Rev. G.—Impostures instanced in the life of Mohammed (London, 1859).
- Alcock, N.—The rise of Mohammedanism accounted for (London, 1796).
- Anonymous—Life of Mohammed (London, 1799).
- —Reflections on Mohammedanism (London, 1735).
- —The morality of the East as extracted from the Koran (London, 1766).
- Arnold, Matthew—Essay on Persian Miracle Play (London, 1871).
- Edwin—Pearls of the Faith (Boston, 1883).
- J. M.—Ishmael, or the natural aspect of Islam (London, 1859).
- Arnold, J. M.—Islam and Christianity (London, 1874).
- T. W.—The Preaching of Islam: A history of the Propagation of the Muslim faith (London, 1896).
- Bate, J. D.—Claims of Ishmael (Benares, 1884).
- Bedwell, W.—Mahomet’s Imposture (London, 1615).
- —Mahomet unmasked (London, 1642).
- Beverly, R. M.—A reply to Higgins [See Higgins,] 1829.
- Blochman, H.—’Ain i Akbari of Abdul Fadhl, (Eng. trans.) (Calcutta, 1868).
- Blunt, W. S.—The Future of Islam (London, 1881).
- Blyden—Islam, Christianity and the Negro Race (London, 1888).
- Bonlainvilliers, Count—Life of Mohammed. Translation. (London, 1731).
- Brinckman, A.—Notes on Islam (London, 1868).
- Brydges, H. J.—History of the Wahabis (London, 1834).
- Burton, R. F.—The Jew, the Gipsey and El Islam (London, 1898).
- Bush, Rev. George—Life of Mohammed (New York, 1844).
- Carlyle, Thos.—Heroes and Hero-Worship (London, 1840).
- Cazenhove, Dr.—Mahometanism (Christian Remembrancer, Jan., 1855).
- Daumer, G. F.—Mahomed und sein Werk (Hamburg, 1848).
- Davenport, John—Apology for Mohammed (London, 1869).
- De Goeje—Memoire sur les Carmathes de Baherein (Leyden, 1863).
- Deutsch, Emanuel—Essay on Islam (London, 1874).
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- Dods, Marcus—Mohammed Buddha and Christ (London, 1878).
- DÖllinger—Mohammed’s Religion nach ihrer Inneren Entwicklung und ihrem EinflÜsse (Ratisbon, 1838).
- Dozy—L’Histoire d Islamisme (Leyden, 1879).
- —Het Islamisme (Leyden, 1879).
- Dugat, Gustave—Histoire des philos. et des theol. Musulmans de 632-1358 J. C. (Paris, 1878).
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- Falke R.—Budda, Mohammed, Christus; ein GÖttingen Vergleich u. z. w. (GÜtersloh, 1897).
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- Gagnier, J.—Ismael Abulfeda, De Vita et Rebus gestis Mohammedis (Oxford, 1723).
- Galland—Recueil des Rites et Ceremonies du pelerinage de la Mecque (Amst., 1754).
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- —Judaism and Islam [translation of the above] (Madras, 1898).
- Georgens, E. P.—Der Islam und die moderne Kultur (Berlin, 1879).
- Gerock—Versuch einer Darstellung der Christologie des Korans (Hamburg, 1839).
- Gibbon—Decline and Fall of Roman Empire (in loco).
- Gmelin, M. F.—Christenschlaverei und der Islam (Berlin, 1873).
- Guyard, S.—La civilization Musulmane (Paris, 1884).
- Haines, C. R.—Islam as a Missionary Religion (London, 1888).
- Hamilton, C.—The Hedayah, a commentary on Moslem law. Trans. (London, 1791.) (Edition by Grady, 1890).
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- Herclots, Dr.—Qanoon-el-Islam (London, 1832).
- Higgins, G.—An Apology for the life of Mohammed (London, 1829).
- Hughes, F. P.—Notes on Mohammedanism (London, 1875).
- —Dictionary of Islam (New York and London, 1885).
- Hurgronje, C. Snouck—Het Mekkaansche Feest (Leyden, 1880).
- —Mekka: mit bilder atlas, (The Hague, 1880).
- Inchbald, Rev. P.—Animadversions on Higgins, (Doncaster, 1830).
- Irving, Washington—Life of Mahomet (London, 1850).
- —Successors of Mahomet (London, 1852).
- Jansen, H.—Verbreitung des Islams, u. z. w., in den verschiedenen, Landern der Erde, 1890-1897 (Berlin, 1898).
- Jessup, H. H.—The Mohammedan Missionary Problem (Phila., 1889).
- Keller, A.—Der Geisteskampf des Christentums gegen den Islam bis zur Zeit der KreuzzÜge (Leipzig, 1897).
- Koelle, S. W.—Mohammed and Mohammedanism critically considered (London, 1888).
- Koelle, S. W.—Food for Reflection (London, 1865).
- Koran: (Editions and translations).
- —English versions: Alexander Ross (from French, 1649-1688), Sale (1734), Rodwell (1861), Palmer (1880).
- —First Arabic, printed text, at Rome, 1530 (Brixiensis).
- Arabic text, Hinkelmann (Hamburg, 1649).
- and Latin text,—Maracci (Padua, 1698).
- text—Empress Catherine II. (St. Petersburg, 1787).
- ( ” 1790, 1793, 1796, 1798).
- text—Empress Catherine II. (Kasan, 1803, 1809, 1839).
- (critical edition) G. FlÜgel, (Leipzig, 1834, 1842, 1869).
- —French, Savary (1783) and Kasimirski (Paris, 1840, 1841, 1857).
- —French version, Du Ryer (Paris, 1647).
- —German versions: Boysen (1773), Wahl (1828), Ullmann (1840, 1853).
- —German version, Schweigger (Nurnberg, 1616).
- —Latin version, Robert and Hermann (Basle, 1543).
- —Russian version (St. Petersburg, 1776).
- Translations exist also in the other European languages; and in Persian, Urdu, Pushto, Turkish, Javan, and Malayan made by Moslems.
- Koran Commentaries:—(“There are no less than 20,000 in the library at Tripolis alone”—Arnold’s Islam and Christianity, p. 81). The most important are,—(Sunni)—
- Al Baghawi, A. H. 515.
- Al Baidhawi, A. H. 685.
- Al Jalalain, A. H. 864 and 911.
- Al Mazhari, A. H. 1225.
- Al Mudarik, A. H. 701.
- Ar-Razi (30 vols.), A. H. 606.
- As-Safi, A. H. 668.
- As-sirru’l wajiz, A. H. 715.
- At-Tafsir ’l Kebir, A. H. 606.
- Azizi, A. H. 1239, (and Shiah).
- Az-Zamakhshari, A. H. 604.
- Hussain, A. H. 900.
- Ibn u’l Arabi, A. H. 628.
- Mir Bakir, A. H. 1041.
- Saiyid Hasham, A. H. 1160.
- Sheikh Saduk, A. H. 381.
- Krehl, C. L. E.—Das leben des Moham. (Leipzig, 1884).
- Kremer, Von Alfred—Geschichte der Herrschende Ideen des Islams: Der Gottsbegriff, die Prophetie und Staatsidee (Leipzig, 1868).
- La Chatelier, A.—L’Islam an XIXe siÈcle (Paris, 1888).
- Lake, J. J.—Islam, its origin, genius and mission (London, 1878).
- Lamairesse, E., (et G. Dujarric.)—Vie de Mahomet d’apres la tradition, vol. i. (Paris, 1898).
- Lane-Poole, Stanley—Studies in a Mosque (London, 1883).
- —Table-talk of Mohammed (London, 1882).
- Lane—Selections from the Koran (London, 1879).
- MacBride, J. D.—The Mohammedan Religion Explained (London, 1859).
- Maitland, E.—England and Islam (London, 1877).
- Marracio, L.—Refutatio Al Coran (Batavii, 1698).
- Martyn, Henry—Controversial Tracts on Christianity and Islam, by the Rev. S. Lee (edited Cambridge, 1824).
- Matthews—The Mishkat (traditions) translation (Calcutta, 1809).
- Merrick, J. L.—The life and religion of Mohammed from Sheeah traditions (translated from Persian) (Boston, 1850).
- Mills, C.—The History of Muhammedanism (London, 1817).
- Mills, W. H.—The Muhammedan System (—1828).
- Mochler, J. A.—The relation of Islam to the Gospel (translation) (Calcutta, 1847).
- Mohler, J. A.—Ueber das Verhaltniss des Islams zum Evangelium (1830).
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- Muir, Sir William—Life of Mahomet, 4 vols. (London, 1858 and 1897).
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- —Sweet First Fruits. Translated from Arabic. (London, 1896).
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- MÜller, F. A.—Der Islam im Morgen und Abendlanden (Berlin, 1885).
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- Niemann, G. K.—Inleiding tot de keunisvanden Islam (Rotterdam, 1861).
- NÖldecke, T.—Geschichte des Qurans (GÖttingen, 1860).
- —Das Leben Muhammeds (Hanover, 1863).
- Oelsner, C. E.—Des effets de la religion de Mohammed (Paris, 1810).
- Osborn, Major—Islam under the Arabs (London, 1876).
- —Islam under the Caliphs (London, 1878).
- Pfander, Doctor—The Mizan El Hak (translated from Persian) (London, 1867).
- —Miftah ul Asrar (Persian) (Calcutta, 1839).
- —Tarik ul Hyat, Persian (Calcutta, 1840).
- Palgrave, W. G.—Essays on Eastern Question (London, 1872).
- —Travels in Central and Eastern Arabia.
- Palmer, E. H.—The Koran translated, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1880).
- Pelly, Lewis—The Miracle Play of Hasan and Hussain (London, 1879).
- Perron—L’Islamisme, Son Institutions, etc. (Paris, 1877).
- —Femmes Arabes avant et depuis l’Islamisme (Paris, 1858).
- Pitts, Joseph—Religion and manners of Mahometans (Oxford, 1704).
- Prideaux, H.—The True Nature of the Imposture fully explained (London, 1718).
- Rabadan—Mahometanism (Spanish and Arabic) 1603.
- Reland (and others)—Four Treatises (on Islam) (London, 1712).
- Rodwell, J. M.—The Koran, Translated (London, 1871).
- Roebuck, J. A.—Life of Mahomet (London, 1833).
- Ross, Alexander—The Koran (London, 1642).
- Rumsey, A.—Al Sirajiyeh. Translated (London, 1869).
- Ryer, Andre du—Life of Mahomet (London, 1718).
- Sale—Translation of the Koran with preliminary discourse (London, 1734).
- Scholl, Jules Charles—L’Islam et son fondateur: Étude morale (Neuchatel, 1874).
- Sell, Rev. E.—The Faith of Islam (Madras, 1880 and London, 1897).
- —The Historical Development of the Quran (Madras, 1898).
- Smith, Bosworth—Mohammed and Mohammedanism (London, 1876).
- Smith, H. P.—The Bible and Islam (New York and London, 1897).
- Sprenger, Aloys—Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammed, 3 vols. (Berlin, 1865).
- Sprenger, A.—Life of Mohammed from original sources (Allahabad, 1851).
- Steinschneider, Moritz—Polemische Literatur in Arabischer Sprache (Leipzig, 1877).
- Stevens, W. R. W.—Christianity and Islam (London, 1877).
- St. Hilaire, T. Bartholomew de—Mahomet et le Coran (Paris, 1865).
- Stobart, J. W. H.—Islam and its Founder (London, 1876).
- Syeed, Ahmed Khan—Essays on the life of Mohammed (London, 1870).
- Syeed, Ameer Ali—A critical examination of the life and teachings of Mohammed (London, 1873).
- Tassy, Garcin de—L’Islamisme d’apres le Coran (Paris, 1874).
- Taylor, W. C.—The Hist. of Mohammedanism (London, 1834).
- Thiersant, P. Dabry de—Le Mahometisme en Chine (Paris, 1878).
- Tisdall, W. St. Clair—The Religion of the Crescent (London, 1896).
- Turpin, F. H.—Hist. de la vie de Mahomet, 3 vols. (Paris, 1773).
- Wallich, J.—Religio Turcia et Mahometis Vita (1659).
- Weil, Gustav—Das Leben Mohammeds; nach Ibn Ishak bearbeit von Ibn Hisham, 2 vols. (Stuttgart, 1864).
- Weil, Gustav—Historische-Kritische Einleitung in den Koran (Bielefeld, 1844).
- Wherry, E. M.—Commentary on the Quran, 5 vols. (London, 1882).
- White, J.—Bampton Lectures (on Islam) (Oxford, 1784).
- Wollaston, Arthur N.—Half Hours with Mohammed (London, 1890).
- Wortabet, John—Researches into Religions of Syria (London, 1860).
- WÜstenfeld, H. F.—Das Leben Muhammeds, 3 vols. (GÖttingen, 1857.)
- —Geschichte der Stadt Mekka, 4 vols. (Leipzig, 1857-61).
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- E. Christianity and Missions[171]
- Birks, Herbert—Life and Correspondence of Bishop T. V. French (London, 1895).
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- Sinker, Robert—Memoir of Ion Keith Falconer (Cambridge, 1886).
- The Arabian Mission. Quarterly Letters, Annual Reports, and special papers on missionary journeys from 1890-1899 (New York).
- Wright, Thomas—Early Christianity in Arabia; a historical essay (London, 1855). This book gives a complete account of the early spread of Christianity and cites authorities, which, being mostly in Latin, are omitted here.
- F. Language and Literature
- Abcarius—English-Arabic Dictionary (Beirut, 1882).
- Ahlwardt, W.—The Divans of the six ancient Arabic Poets (London, 1890).
- Ahlwardt, W.—Über die Poesie und Poetiek der Araber (Gotha, 1856).
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- Badger, G. P.—English-Arabic Lexicon (London, 1881).
- Birdwood, Allan B.—An Arabic Reading Book (London, 1891).
- Butrus al Bustani—An EncyclopÆdia in Arabic, vols. i.-ix. (1876-84).
- Cadri, Moh.—Guide to Arab. Conversation (Alexandria, 1879).
- Caspari, C. P.—Arab. Grammatik (Halle, 1876).
- Caussin de Perceval—Grammaire Arabe. (Paris, 1880).
- Cheikho, P. L.—Chrestomathia Arabica cum lexico variisque notis (Beirut, 1897).
- Clodius, J. C.—Gram. Arabica (Leipzig, 1729).
- Clouston—Arabic Poetry for English Readers (Glasgow, 1889).
- De Goeje, Prof.—A complete account of the authorship, etc., of the Arabian Nights (“De Gids,” Amsterdam, Sept., 1886).
- Derenbourg, H. and Spiro J.—Chrestomathy (Paris, 1885).
- Dieterici, Fr.—Thier und Mensch vor dem KÖnig der Genien u. z. w. (Leipzig, 1881).
- —Arabisch-Deutsches WÖrterbuch zum Koran und Thier und Mensch (Leipzig, 1881).
- —Die Arabische Dicht-Kunst (Berlin, 1850).
- Dombay, Fr. de—Gram. Mauro-Arab. (Vindob., 1800).
- Dozy, R. P. A.—SupplÉment aux dictionnaires Arabes, 2 vols. (Leyden, 1877).
- —[And many other monographs on the language.]
- Erpenius, Th.—Grammatica, etc. (Leyden, 1767).
- —Rudimenta Linguae Arabicae, Ed. A. Schultens (Leyden, 1770).
- Euting—Katalog der Arabischen Literatur (Strassburg, 1877).
- Ewald, G. H. A.—Gram. Critica linq. Arab., 2 vols. (Lips., 1831).
- Farhat, G.—Dict. Arabe-FranÇaise (Marseilles, 1849).
- Faris Es Shidiac—Arab. Gram. (London, 1856).
- Fleischer, H. L.—Tausend und eine Nacht (text and notes, 12 vols.) (Breslau, 1825-43).
- Fleischer, M. H. L.—Arabische SprÜche u. z. w. (Leipzig, 1837).
- FlÜgel, G.—Die Grammatischen Schulen der Araber nach den Quellen bearbeitet (Leipzig, 1862).
- FlÜgel—Kitab El Fihrist; with German notes (Leipzig, 1871-72).
- FlÜgel, Gustav—Lexicon Bibliographicum Arab., 7 vols. 4to. (Leipzig, 1835-58).
- Forbes, Duncan—Arabic Grammar.
- Freytag—Einleitung in das Studium der Arabischen Sprache (Bonn, 1861).
- —Lexicon, Arab. Lat., 4 vols. (Halis, 1830).
- (abridged Halis, 1837).
- —Arabum Proverbia (3 vols.) (Bonn, 1838).
- Giggejus, A.—Thesaurus linq. Arabicae, 4 vols. (Medioland, 1632).
- Gies, H.—Zur kentnis
s sieben Arabischer Versarten (Leipzig, 1879).
- Girgass and De Rosen—Chrestomathy (German ed. 1875. Russian, St. Petersburg, 1876).
- Goeje, De M. J.—Debelangrykheid van de beoefening d. Arab. taal en letterkunde (Hague, 1866).
- Golius, J.—Lexicon Arab. Lat. (Leyden, 1653).
- Green, A. O.—A Practical Arabic Grammar (Oxford, 1887).
- Hammer Van Purgstall—Literaturgeschichte der Araber: Von ihren beginne bis zum ende des ZwÖlfte Jahrhunderts der Hidschret, 7 vols. (Wein, 1850-56).
- Heury, J.—Vocab. French-Arab. (Beirut, 1881).
- Hirth, J. Fr.—Anthologia Arab. (Jenae, 1774).
- Hoefer’s Zeitschrift—Ueber die Himyarische Sprache (vol. i., 225 sq).
- Jahn, J.—Arabische Chrestomathie (Wien, 1802).
- Jayaker, A. S. G.—The Omanese Dialect of Arabic, 2 parts (In Journal R. A. S., of Gt. Britain).
- Kosengarten, J.—Arab. Chrestomathy (Leipzig, 1828).
- Kremer, A. von—Lexikographie Arab. (Vienna, 1883).
- Lane, E. W.—An Arabic English Dictionary (i.-viii.) (London, 1863-89).
- ” W.—The Thousand and One Nights, with notes, edited, 3 vols. (London, 1841).
- Lansing, J. G.—Arabic Grammar (New York, 1890).
- Mac Naghten, W. H.—Thousand and One Nights literally transl., 4 vols. (Calcutta, 1839).
- Newman, F. W.—Dictionary, 2 vols. (London, 1890).
- —Handbook of Modern Arabic (London, 1890).
- NÖldeke, Th.—Beitrage zur Kentniss d. Poesie d. alten Araber, (Hanover, 1864).
- NÖldeke, T.—Funf Mo’allq?t, Übersetzt und erklÄrt. II. Die Mo’allaq?t Antara’s und Labid’s, 8 vo. (Vienna, 1900).
- Oberleitner, A.—Chrestomathia Arab. (Vienna, 1824).
- Palmer, E. H.—Arabic Grammar (London, 1890).
- —Arabic Manual (London, 1890).
- Perowne, J. J. S.—Adjrumiah, translated with Arabic voweled text (Cambridge, 1852).
- Richardson—Arab. Persian English Dictionary (London, 1852).
- Richardson, J. A.—Gram. of Arabic Language (London, 1811).
- RosenmÜller, E. F. C.—Grammar (Leipzig, 1818).
- Sacy, A. J. Sylvestre de—An Arabic Grammar.
- —Arabic Chrestomathy, 4 vols. (Paris, 1829).
- Salmone, H. A.—Arabic-English Dictionary on a new system. Vol. I. contains the Arabic-English part, xviii. and 1254 pp. Vol. II. contains an English-Arabic key, referring every word to the Arabic equivalent in the first volume, 2 vols. (London, 1890).
- Socin, A.—Arabische Grammatik (Berlin, 1889).
- Steingass, F.—Arab.-Eng. and Eng.-Arab. Dict. (London, 1890).
- Tien, A.—Handbook of Arabic (London, 1890).
- —Manual of Colloquial Arab. (London, 1890).
- Trumpp, E.—Einleitung in das Studium der Arabischen Grammatiker (MÜnich, 1876).
- Tychsen, O. G.—Elementale Arabicum (1792).
- Van Dyck, C. C. A.—Suggestions to beginners in the study of Arabic (Beirut, 1892).
- Vollers—Ægypto-Arab. Sprache (Cairo, 1890).
- Vriemoet, E. L.—Grammar (Franeker, 1733).
- Wahrmund, A.—Arab. Deutsch Handworter buch, 2 vols. (Giessen, 1887).
- —Handbuch der Arab. Sprache (Giessen, 1866).
- Winckler, J. L. W.—Arab. Sprachlehre nebst WÖrterbuch (Leipzig, 1862).
- Wright, W.—Arabic Reading Book (London, 1870).
[Note.—For other Arabic Lexicons, Grammars and Manuals consult Oriental catalogues of: Kegan Paul, Trench, TrÜbner & Co., London; F. A. Brockhaus, Leipzig; and E. J. Brill, BibliothÉque Orientale, Leyden.]