This eBook is produced by the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Scans for this work are available from the Internet Archive (copy 1, 2). In the same series, the following titles have also been published: - Memoir left by Jacob Christiaan Pielat to his successor, Diederik van Domburg, 1734 / translated by Sophia Pieters; with an introduction and notes by the Government Archivist. 1905
- Memoir by Anthony Mooyaart, Commandeur of Jaffnapatam, for the information and guidance of his successor, Noel Anthony Lebeck, 1766. Translated by Sophia Pieters, Dutch translator. With an introd. and notes by the Govt. Archivist. 1910
- Memoir left by Gustaaf Willem Baron van Imhoff, Governor and Director of Ceylon, to his successor, Willem Maurits Bruynink, 1740 / translated by Sophia Pieters, Dutch translator; with an introd. and notes by the Govt. Archivist. 1911
- Memoir of Cornelis Joan Simons, Governor and Director of Ceylon, for his successor, Hendrick Becker, 1707. Translated by Sophia Anthonisz, Dutch translator. With an introd. and notes by the Govt. Archivist. 1914
Related Library of Congress catalog page: 11017144. Related Open Library catalog page (for source): OL7186193M. Related Open Library catalog page (for work): OL7713585W. Encoding Revision History External References The following corrections have been applied to the text: Page | Source | Correction | | ot | of | | Indie | IndiË | | * * | [Deleted] | | Nederlandsch-Indie | Nederlandsch-IndiË | | dimissed | dismissed | | pecol | picol | | Omnicient | Omniscient | | atend | attend | | Bookhouder | Boekhouder | | , | [Deleted] | | Croenevelt | Groenevelt | | dilligence | diligence | | are a-nuts | areca-nuts | | If | It | | sodiers | soldiers | | 85 | 65 | |